Eugene Skovorodnikov, piano
B i o g r a p h y

Audiences throughout Europe, Canada, U.S., Latin America, Asia and former Soviet Union recognize Eugene Skovorodnikov for his stylistic interpretation and his technical brilliance. Born in Ukraine, he is a prize winner of "N.Lisenko" National Piano Competition (Ukraine).
Eugene Skovorodnikov graduated from Lugansk Music College, Ukraine (Prof. L. Vinogreeva), Kharkov University of Arts, Ukraine (Prof. R. Papkova), and took his post-graduate course at the St. Petersburg conservatory, Russia (Prof. T. Kravtchenko) where he remained teaching until 1990 when he left the country. In 2006 he was awarded an Honourary Doctorate in Musical Arts by Kharkov State University
of Arts, Ukraine for his achievements in performance and teaching.
“ Extraordinary performance…represented all the impressive characteristics of the Grand School…incomparable elegance and enchanting power…” “ Il Ponte”, Italy​
He was invited to perform in famous concert halls of the world such as St.Petersburg Philharmonic Hall (St. Petersburg, Russia), Chan Centre for Performing Arts(Vancouver, Canada), Theatre Bibiena (Mantova, Italy), Grand Theatre (Shenzhen, China), Xinghai Concert Hall (Guangzhou, China), Centre for the Performing Arts ( Kfar-Saba, Israel), Ghione Theatre (Rome, Italy), Kharkov Philharmonic Hall (Ukraine), Schwarts Arts Centre (Atlanta, USA)
“…His performance of the “Wanderer” Fantasia by Schubert hypnotized us…Mr. Skovorodnikov’s powerful inspiration and sovereign technique allowed him to create perfection and beauty of the real sound image” “ Musica e Scuola”, Italy
"... Eugene captured attention of the audience with his perfect mastery and polished sense of style, full of life and romanticism... he played with the power and colours of symphony orchestra, with fluent and flawless virtuosity", "Nevsky Times", Russia
" ...Skovorodnikov returned to Rome after a three year absence, but his long awaiting fan audience was treated to an absolutely outstanding performance; this level of artistic quality has been rarely heard in the past few musical seasons in Rome..." "Musica e Scuola", Italy
"... A sturdy Ukrainian-Canadian pianist, Eugene Skovorodnikov, played with thunderous firmness a difficult Russian programme: four works by Tchaikovsky, Miaskovsky's Sonata No. 2, six Shostakovich Preludes and two "Moments musicaux" by Rachmaninov. Interesting and illuminating, this was in the Chopiniana series" "Tribuna Musical", Argentina​
Eugene Skovorodnikov is concertizing extensively as solo pianist and as chamber performer with such
artists as Italian virtuoso flautist Stefano Maffizzoni; Ukrainian/French violinist Alexandre Brussilovsky, internationally acclaimed clarinetist Julian Milkis, world renowned cellist Mischa Maisky, and many others, and with symphony orchestras. He was invited and re-invited to perform with such symphony orchestras as " Sinfonia", "West Coast Symphony" (Canada), Kharkov Philharmonic, L'vov Philharmonic, Donetsk Philharmonic (Ukraine), Irkutsk Chamber Orchestra, St. Petersburg Philharmonic, "Hermitage" Chamber Orchestra (Russia), Mexican State Orchestra, Monterrey Symphony Orchestra (Mexico), Grosseto Symphony (Italy) and many others.
" ... The duo of virtuoso performers demonstrated unique blend of the brilliant technique and refined musicianship..." "Strumenti e Musica", Italy​
Eugene Skovorodnikov was invited as a member of the juries to many piano international
competitions. Such as "Rome 1997", "Rome 2002", "Rome 2015", "S.Rachmaninov" in Morcone (Italy), "16th Rina Sala Gallo Piano International Competition" in Monza (Italy), "1st Benjamino Cesi Piano​
International Competition" (Italy), "Premio ​Fausto Zadra - Citta Abano di Terme" (Italy), "Franz
Liszt" Piano International Competition in Weimar (Germany), "Sigismund Thalberg" Piano
International Competition (Italy), "Skriabin Piano International Competition" (Italy), "Valery Kuleshov Piano International Competition" (USA).
Eugene Skovorodnikov is the President and Artistic Director of "Music Encore Concert Society" (Canada) , Artistic Director of Vancouver International School of Music White Rock.
He is frequently invited to perform and give masterclasses at the international festivals such as
" Summit Music Festival " in New York, International Music Academy in St.Petersburg (Russia), Masters de Pontlevoy (France), "International Chamber Music Festival" in Positano (Italy) and Shanghai (China), "Kharkov's Assemblies" (Ukraine), "Burgos Music Festival" (Spain), "Gran Nancy International Music Academy and Festival (France).
From 1991 to 2011, Eugene Skovorodnikov has been teaching with the piano faculty at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in Vancouver, Canada. Many of his students became winners of national and international competitions.
Eugene Skovorodnikov is a Steinway Artist​